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10 Ways to Let Go on Full Moon: A Journey of Self-Love and Release

With another full moon upon is, this is a powerful time for reflection, release, and renewal.  Whether leading up to the full moon, the night of, or days after, these times are all very powerful.  

The full moon illuminates the areas of our lives that need attention, gently inviting us to let go of what no longer serves us and the most beautiful thing is that we have the opportunity to do so each month.  

Whether it's a habit, a limiting belief, or emotional baggage, the full moon’s energy can guide us toward shedding these layers and stepping into our highest selves.

Full moon

In this post, I’ll share 10 heartfelt ways to let go on a full moon. These practices are rooted in self-love, helping you release what’s weighing you down and create space for new blessings to enter your life.

Whether you're drawn to physical rituals, emotional release, or spiritual reflection, these techniques will help you connect with the lunar energy and let go with grace which is what I continue to find myself doing pretty much every month.

1. Cry to Release

One of the most cathartic ways to let go on a full moon is by allowing yourself to cry. Crying is often seen as a sign of weakness, but it is one of the most healing and natural ways to release pent-up emotions.

Days leading up to the full moon and beyond, I often find myself moved to tears, allowing emotions I’ve held onto for too long to flow freely.

As you cry, imagine each tear as a release of stress, fear, or sadness. Let it all out. The full moon is a time to empty your emotional cup so that you can start fresh with a sense of renewal and peace.

Remember, crying is a powerful form of self-love, a reminder that it’s okay to feel deeply and to let go of what no longer serves you.

2. Take a Bath with Moon-Charged Water

A bath is not just a physical cleanse but an energetic one too. On the night of the full moon, you can supercharge your bath by using moon-charged water.

To create moon water, simply leave a jar or bowl of water outside under the full moon’s light, allowing it to absorb the moon’s cleansing energy.

You can also use the water the next day or the next week, whatever works for you if you're not able to take a bath the night of the full moon.

When you add this water to your bath, imagine that you are soaking away old beliefs, heavy emotions, and energetic clutter.

As you submerge yourself, feel the water gently pulling negativity away from your body and soul. The full moon bath becomes a sacred ritual where you honor yourself by cleansing your energy and letting go on a full moon night.

3. Write a Release Letter

Writing is a powerful tool for self-reflection and emotional release.

On the night of the full moon or even a couple days before or afterwards, take some time to write a letter to yourself. In this letter, acknowledge the things you’re ready to let go of—whether they are fears, grudges, or outdated mindsets. Be as honest as possible.

Afterward, perform a symbolic act of release by burning the letter or tearing it up. This simple ritual helps you visually and physically release what you’ve written, sending a clear message to the universe that you’re ready to move on.

By letting go on a full moon, you create space for positive change.  It's always about making space for the new.  

4. Meditate with Intention

Full moon meditations are incredibly potent because the energy of the full moon amplifies your intentions.

Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed and sit in meditation. Focus on your breath, grounding yourself in the present moment.

As you breathe deeply, set the intention to let go of anything that’s holding you back.

Visualize these blocks as dark clouds floating away, making room for light and positive energy. Let go on a full moon by fully surrendering to the moment and allowing the meditation to clear away mental and emotional clutter.

5. Cleanse Your Space

The full moon is an excellent time for decluttering and cleansing your physical space.

Your environment plays a big role in how you feel emotionally and mentally, so clearing out old items that no longer serve you can be incredibly freeing.

Let go on a full moon by cleaning your home. Start with areas that feel stagnant or cluttered.

Smudge your space with sage or palo santo, and open windows to allow fresh air and new energy to flow in.  Using sage spray is great too which is what I tend to use.  I spray the corners of our home where energy can become stagnant.  

As you release old items or energy, reflect on how lighter and more open you feel, both in your home and within yourself.

6. Practice Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is one of the most empowering ways to let go on a full moon. The moon’s illumination represents clarity, making it the perfect time to look inward and ask yourself important questions.

What do I need to release? What am I holding onto that’s no longer serving me? What new habits or mindsets can I adopt?  What keeps coming up that I haven't let go of yet?

Spend time journaling or contemplating these questions. Allow the answers to arise naturally, without judgment.

Full moon self-reflection helps you get in touch with your deeper desires and needs, guiding you to let go of anything that’s misaligned with your true self.

7. Use Affirmations for Release

Affirmations are a beautiful way to reinforce your intention to let go on a full moon. Create affirmations that resonate with your personal journey of release. For example:

  • “I release all that no longer serves my highest good.”
  • “I am open to receiving new blessings as I let go.”
  • “With the power of the full moon, I shed old habits and embrace growth.”

Repeat these affirmations out loud, or write them down in your journal.

By affirming your willingness to release, you strengthen your connection with the full moon’s transformative energy, allowing for deeper shifts within.

The more you affirm, the more that thing you're affirming will be attracted to you.  

8. Charge Your Crystals

Crystals are powerful tools for healing and release, and charging them under the full moon amplifies their energy. Choose crystals that resonate with letting go, such as amethyst, rose quartz, or black tourmaline.

Place them outside or on a windowsill where they can absorb the full moon’s light.

Once charged, hold them in your hand and set the intention to release what no longer serves you. The crystals will act as energetic allies, supporting you in your journey of letting go.

Each time you work with them, their energy will remind you of the clarity and release you experienced on the full moon.

9. Create a Gratitude Ritual

Letting go on a full moon is not just about releasing what’s heavy but also about recognizing what’s light and beautiful in your life.

Creating a gratitude ritual allows you to focus on the positive while letting go of the negative.

Write down the things you’re grateful for on slips of paper, and as you do so, feel your heart filling with appreciation.  

This shift in focus from what you need to release to what you already have creates a balance, helping you let go from a place of abundance rather than lack.

Lady Yoga and Full Moon

10. Release Through Movement

Moving your body is a wonderful way to release emotional energy. Whether through dancing, yoga, or even shaking it off, physical movement helps move energy that may be stuck in the body.

Under the full moon, this practice becomes even more powerful, as you are aligning your body with lunar cycles.

Dance freely in the moonlight or practice slow, flowing yoga poses. Let go on a full moon by imagining every movement as a way of shedding layers of heaviness and stuck energy.

As you move, feel the lightness and joy of being in your body, fully present and open to new possibilities.

Final Thoughts On Ways To Let Go on Full Moon

The full moon offers us a sacred moment each month to pause, reflect, and release.

By engaging in these practices, you honor your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being, reminding yourself that letting go is an act of self-love.

Whether you cry, meditate, or dance, the most important part is to approach this time with gentleness and compassion.

As you let go on a full moon, trust that the universe is supporting your journey. Embrace the beauty of release and make space for the new blessings that are sure to come.

All of your blessings are on their way.  ❤️ 



I hope my content has resonated with you.  Let me know what you think. ❤️ 

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