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My Tips on Losing Weight For Women: Embracing the Journey and Loving Yourself 

Well hello there beautiful! I’m excited to share my journey and tips for losing weight in a way that feels authentic, joyful, and self-loving.

Weight loss is often portrayed as a struggle, and sometimes there can be challenges but I’ve found that when I focus on self-love and the holistic aspects of health, the process becomes so much more fulfilling.  Earlier this year, around March, when I decided to weigh myself, the scale gave me a number which made me do a double take. I was like wait..what!

I was like, ok, it's time for me to get back on the horse. When I stopped dancing and running due to knee pain, I started walking.  Walking was fine but I was not moving enough and I continued to snack which wasn't helping.

Here’s how I’ve approached weight loss since March, and I hope these tips on losing weight for Women inspire you on your journey.

Start with Self-Love

Before diving into any weight loss tips, it's crucial to embrace self-love. This is the foundation for everything. I remind myself daily that I am worthy of health and happiness just as I am.

Positive affirmations help me stay centered. I repeat, "I am worthy of love and respect, and my body is a beautiful reflection of my journey."  This mindset helps me approach weight loss not as a drag but as a way to honor and care for myself.

Embrace a Balanced Approach

One of my favorite ways to kickstart my day is with a green smoothie. It's not only a nutritious choice but also a way to show my body that I care about its well-being.

My green smoothie usually includes kale, banana, berries, coconut water and honey.  I also add oats to help keep me full. It’s a refreshing and energizing way to start the day, and it helps me meet my goal of eating more greens.

The cool thing is the smoothie is pre-packaged which makes it easy in the morning.  I purchase the smoothie and coconut water from Costco.  If you have a membership, definitely check it out.  If not, no worries.  You can find these items at pretty much any grocery store.

Enjoy Your Treats

One thing I’ve learned is that you don’t have to give up the foods you love to lose weight.  It's just not a realistic approach, well not for me anyway. I enjoy cake and believe in indulging in moderation.

By practicing portion control, I can savor a small piece of cake without derailing my progress. This balance is key.

I also remind myself, "I can enjoy my favorite treats while still making healthy choices."

Move Your Body Every Day

Movement is a significant part of my routine. About a year ago, I started to walk vs jog so now I try to walk and dance regularly, which keeps me active and makes exercise feel like fun rather than a chore.

Though I have not taught a class in a while as a Zumba instructor, the choreography that I have learned over the years has helped me with getting in a good dance workout.  

But let me tell you that you don't have to be a dance instructor to get into a good routine, you can pick about 10 or so of your favorite upbeat songs and dance for about 30 minutes.  You can do this about 2-3 times a week and begin to create your movements to get in a good workout. Or watch a 30-minute dance routine on YouTube or even try an in-person or online class. The sky is the limit. 

I also purchased a walking pad (Amazon Affiliate link) that I absolutely love especially when I'm not able to get outside or maybe I just want to watch a show while walking.  I'll also listen to music depending on my mood.  My goal is to aim for about 7000-10000 steps per day. 

I’ve also incorporated small changes into my daily life, like taking the stairs when possible instead of the elevator and doing exercises like squats and side leg raises while brushing my teeth.  Parking further from the door and walking if possible.

These little additions might seem minor, but they add up over time.  It's just about being consistent.

Understand the Scale

One thing I’ve learned on my journey is that the scale doesn’t always tell the whole story. Sometimes it moves, and sometimes it doesn’t, and that’s okay.

Weight loss is not just about the number on the scale but about how I feel and how my body is changing.

I focus on other indicators of progress, such as increased energy levels, better mood, and improved fitness.

I pick a day to weigh myself each week to check my progress vs weighing myself every day.  If the scale doesn't move, I think about what I have done thus far and ways I can improve on that.  I'll repeat affirmations such as: "I am doing a great job on my health journey" or "I am embracing this journey and will get there".

This is not the time to make myself feel bad and you shouldn't either.  Remember it's a journey.

Strength Training A Must 

I use light weights 2-3 times a week and try my best to do crunches, and push-ups every day.  I can feel my body getting stronger which is amazing. Not only does strength training help with weight loss, but it also makes me feel more toned and confident. Plus, muscle burns more calories even at rest, so I’m helping my metabolism stay active all day long.

When I do push-ups or crunches, I visualize my muscles getting stronger, and I feel proud of myself for pushing through. It’s not always easy, but I know that I’m building a body that will support me for years to come.

I plan on living until I am well in my 100s, sound body and mind.  Ha! 😊

Focus on Reducing Inflammation

Instead of solely focusing on losing weight, I try to view it as reducing inflammation in my body.

By eating more protein and greens and staying hydrated, I’m supporting my body’s natural processes.

This approach helps me feel better overall and promotes long-term health, rather than just a temporary weight loss fix.

Practice Portion Control and Mindful Eating

Portion control is another essential aspect of my approach. I pay attention to my hunger and fullness cues and aim to eat balanced meals that include protein, greens, and healthy fats. By being mindful of my portions, I can enjoy a variety of foods without overindulging.

I limit my snacking to one or two snacks per day for at least 5 days of the week and try to stick with snacks like nuts, protein bars, or a piece of fruit. During the weekend for two days, I may have a little bit more which is completely okay.  It's all about finding balance. 

Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water is crucial for overall health and weight management.

It helps with digestion, keeps my skin glowing, and aids in reducing cravings.  I do my best to drink water throughout the day since it helps with both hydration and flushing the body.  

Visualize Your Goals

Visualization is a powerful tool. I take a few moments each day to visualize my goals and see myself achieving them.

This practice not only keeps me motivated but also reinforces my commitment to my health journey. I remind myself, "I am capable of achieving my goals and creating the life I desire" and you are capable too.  

Celebrate Small Wins

Finally, I celebrate my small victories along the way.

Whether it’s reaching a step goal, trying a new healthy recipe, or simply sticking to my routine for a week, acknowledging these wins keeps me motivated and reminds me of how far I’ve come.

Every step forward is a step towards a healthier me.  Yay! 

So remember to celebrate your small wins too.  Small wins add up to much bigger ones. 

Weight Loss Conclusion

Embarking on a weight loss journey doesn’t have to be a battle.

By focusing on self-love, enjoying the process, and making small, sustainable changes, we can create a healthier lifestyle that feels rewarding and fulfilling.

Remember, it's about progress, not perfection. Embrace the journey with kindness and patience, and celebrate each step along the way.

Remember that some areas of the body take longer to see results, so be patient and kind to yourself and your body.  Remember to seek consultations from medical professionals or personal trainers if need be. 

I am down 16 pounds and have about 10 more to go.  Yay me.  I'll continue to embrace the journey and self-love through and through. 

Remember, if you miss the mark on something (not enough movement, not enough water, etc..etc.) do not make yourself feel bad about it but think about a way forward and a solution to do better, and always look at the progress you have made. You're doing a great job. 

You’ve got this beautiful! 



I hope my content has resonated with you.  Let me know what you think. ❤️ 

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